John Nash | [email protected]

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Table of Contents

The Generative AI Guidelines Canvas

The Generative AI Guidelines Canvas

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There are three core skills this canvas aims to build:

  1. Identifying values: Clarifying the guiding principles and ethical considerations that will shape your policies. This grounds your guidelines in your school's goals and culture.
  2. Defining usage: Thoughtfully mapping out how, where, when, and why AI could be integrated across different settings. This ensures responsible and productive usage.
  3. Setting metrics: Establishing clear outcomes and metrics that will define success for the program. This enables monitoring progress and iterating.

The canvas approach helps organize all these key pieces into a unified framework for AI adoption unique to your specific context. You can complete it collaboratively using focused peer feedback to strengthen your outcome with the canvas.

The end result will be a framework for guidelines customized for a school's needs, realities, and community. This foundation sets you up for more prudent implementation that realizes the potential of AI while mitigating risks.

Parts of the Canvas

The Generative AI Guidelines Canvas is comprised of seven key sections that guide you through synthesizing the factors needed to develop comprehensive, responsible policies tailored to your school.

Each section prompts you to document a different set of considerations, together forming a holistic framework for your AI adoption strategy.

While not every box needs to be fully completed for early drafts, collectively, they represent the core components of ethical, sustainable implementation.